Pago 12 HIGH GEAR, April, 1975



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NOW I can hear some of you objecting that to condore S and M as a legitimate sexual expression is to justify the behaviour of the likes of Eichmann, Herod, Nero, and other tyrants. Such an argument, however, is dubious. It is very possible and in fact probable that people like Eichmann were unable to cope with their own sexuality. Psychopathological individuals of the nature of Dean Arnold Corl1 and the Los Angeles Slasher may no". accept their particular sexual penchants; consequently, enormous feelings of guilt, mersecution, and hostility propel such individuals to irrational, destructive hehaviour. It follows then that society's best interests would be served if they were active in a consenting S and Ai rel-

ionship as opposed to wandering aimlessly in the streets lookin for innocent victims whon whom to release their nent-un desires,. I admit that formulating a generalization as this is dangerously close to oversiL·nTifying complex, erratic behaviour, Never the Tss, my majo: noint here is that individuals who are encouraged to accept their sexual orientations and are able to percieve such behaviour as normal for them are much more likely to to fit into the mainstream of society as productive, self-actualized ind ividuals that those who are labeled as "sick" and scorned by their fellow human beings. Certainly, in our struggle for self-respect, we gavs found this to be true, and the same principle applies to other sexual minorities. An S and relationship is unique in that the element of trust between master and slave is imperative. when a masochist and mature sadist meet, it is in reality the masochist who controls the relationship. He is the one who knows his own threshold of pain and ins... | tructs the sadist as to what behaviour is more stimulating to hi". The communication is open, frank, and to the poirt. There is little room for emotional care-playing and the interactions are such that they are satisfyin, to both parties, As in any sexual pairing, variety is prominent. Some sessions may soley involve contrived humiliation with no significant physical abuse. Ofer times, bondage and moderate flailing with cloth tongs may ensue. A boot fetishist may wish to he walked on. And in more extreme cases, actual bull whips, lengthy dildoes, and even plastic axes may be applied. Much of this may sound bizarre and even threatening to many, but the intent is not to sensationalise or judre, but only to inform,

In response to those who think S and ¡

S & M Continued

behaviour is "sick," and among those Tinclude many contemporary psycholoeists, I can only retaliate by saying no behaviour that does not deliberately and maliciously harm another without his consent can be labeled "sick," I strongly maintain that sexual "disorders" are not in themselves neuroses, irrational paranoia, er any other irrelevant arbitrary categorization one wishes to assign. In short, sexual feelings are only one dimension of a person's personality makeup. Unless one becomes obsessed with his sexuality, it does not pervade every slice of behaviour he displays. Certainly, one's level of maturity and responsibility in his work, to his friends, and to himself have little to do with his sexual preferences. If a person can come to terms with his sexual orientation and feel comfortable with it, his ability to function in every other stratum cannot help but be greatly enhanced.

Far too long straights have laughed at and ridiculed rays. Many gays in turn, (and straights,) have branded S and M'ers tranvestites, fetishists, "sickies." It is time now that we realize all sexual manifestations derive their source from the human form. Each is as legitimate as the other and though the majority of us may not partake in any of them, ronetheless we cannot draw the conclusion that such activities are wrong or evil.




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